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  1. Ranjan, R.#,*, Snedeker, J.#, Wooten, M.#, Chu, C., Bracero, S., Mouton, T. and Chen, X.* (2022) Differential condensation of sister chromatids coordinates with Cdc6 to ensure distinct cell cycle progression in Drosophila male germline stem cell lineage, Developmental Cell, https://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S1534-5807(22)00247-7 (#: equal contribution; *: co-corresponding)
  2. Kahney, E.W., Zion, E. H., Sohn, L., Viets-Layng, K., Johnston, R. and Chen, X. (2021) Characterization of histone inheritance patterns in the Drosophila female germline, EMBO Reports, 22(7): e51530, PMCID: PMC8406404.
  3. Ranjan, R.* and Chen, X.* (2021) Super-resolution live cell imaging of subcellular structures. Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), doi: 10.3791/61563, video at: https://www.jove.com/v/61563, PMCID: PMC8197282. (* co-corresponding authors)
  4. Ma, B. Trieu, T., Habib, S. and Chen, X. (2020) Establishing mouse embryonic stem cells as a system to study histone inheritance pattern at single-cell resolution, STAR Protocols, 1,100178, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xpro.2020.100178. PMCID: PMC7757403
  5. Ma, B., Trieu, T., Cheng, J., Zhou, S., Tang, Q., Xie, J., Liu, J., Zhao, K., Habib, S. and Chen, X. (2020) Differential histone distribution patterns in induced asymmetrically dividing mouse embryonic stem cells, Cell Reportshttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108003
  6. Shi, Z.*, Lim, C.*, Tran, V., Cui, K., Zhao, K. and Chen, X. (2020) Single-cyst transcriptome analysis of Drosophila male germline stem cell lineage, Development,147(8), doi: 10.1242/dev.184259. (* equal contribution).
  7. Wooten, M., Li, Y.*, Snedeker, J.*, Nizami, Z., Gall, J., and Chen, X. (2020) Superresolution imaging of chromatin fibers to visualize epigenetic information on replicative DNA, Nature Protocols, 15:1188-1208. (* equal contribution).
  8. Ranjan, R., Snedeker, J., and Chen, X. (2019) Asymmetric centromeres differentially coordinate with mitotic machinery to ensure biased sister chromatid segregation in germline stem cells, Cell Stem Cell, 25:666-681 e665. Featured in Faculty of 1000 Biology.
  9. Wooten, M., Snedeker, J.*, Nizami, Z.*, Yang, X-X*, Ranjan, R., Urban, E., Kim, J-M., Gall, J., Xiao, J. and Chen, X. (2019) Asymmetric histone inheritance via strand specific incorporation and biased replication fork movement, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 26: 732–743. (* equal contribution) Featured in Faculty of 1000 Biology.
  10. Feng, L., Shi, Z.*, Xie, J.*, Ma, B.* and Chen, X. (2018) Enhancer of Polycomb maintains germline activity and genome integrity in Drosophila testis, Cell Death & Differentiation, 25(8):1486-1502. (* equal contribution)
  11. Eun, S.*, Feng, L.*, Cedeno-Rosario, L., Gan, Q., Wei, G., Cui, K., Zhao, K., and Chen, X. (2017) Polycomb group gene E(z) is required for spermatogonial dedifferentiation in Drosophila adult testis, Journal of Molecular Biology, 429:2030-2041 (* equal contribution).
  12. Feng, L., Shi, Z. and Chen, X. (2017) Enhancer of Polycomb coordinates multiple signaling pathways to promote both cyst and germline stem cell differentiation in Drosophila adult testis, PLoS Genetics, 13:e1006571.
  13. Xie, J., Wooten, M., Tran, V., Chen, B-C., Pozmanter, C., Simbolon, C., Betzig, E. and Chen, X. (2015) Histone H3 Threonine phosphorylation regulates asymmetric histone inheritance in the Drosophila male germline. Cell 163(4): 920-933. Featured in Faculty of 1000 Biology.
    Previewed by Pirrotta, V. (2015) Histone Marks Direct Chromosome Segregation. Cell 163(4): 792-793. Highlighted by Strzyz, P. (2015) Stem cells: Histone mark of stemness. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 16(12):703.
  14. Lim, C., Gandhi, S., Biniossek,M., Feng, L., Schilling, O., Urban, S. and Chen, X. (2015) An aminopepetidase acts in the Drosophila testicular niche for germline stem cell maintenance and spermatogonial dedifferentiation. Cell Reports, 13(2):315-325.
  15. Tarayrah, L.*,#, Li, Y. *, Eun, S., Shi, Z., Gan, Q. and Chen, X.# (2015) Histone demethylase Lid maintains germline stem cells through regulating JAK-STAT signaling pathway activity, Biology Open, 4(11):1518-1527 (* equal contribution; # co-corresponding authors).
  16. Eun, S., Shi, Z., Cui, K., Zhao, K. and Chen, X. (2014) A non-cell-autonomous role of E(z) histone methyltransferase to prevent germ cells from turning on somatic cell marker. Science, 343:1513-1516. Featured in Faculty of 1000 Biology.
  17. Tarayrah, L., Herz, H-M., Shilatifard, A. and Chen, X. (2013) Histone demethylase dUTX directly antagonizes JAK-STAT signaling to maintain the Drosophila testis niche architecture. Development, 140: 1014-1023. Featured article “In this issue”.
  18. Eun, S., Stoiber, P.M., Wright, H. J., McMurdie, K.E., Choi, C.H., Gan, Q., Lim, C., Chen, X. (2013) MicroRNAs downregulate Bag of marbles to ensure proper terminal differentiation in Drosophila male germline lineage. Development, 140, 23-30.
  19. Tran, V.*, Lim, C.*, Xie, J. and Chen, X. (2012) Asymmetric division of Drosophila male germline stem cell shows asymmetric histone distribution. Science 338, 679-682 (* co-first authors). Featured in Faculty of 1000 Biology.
  20. Cuddapah, S.*, Roh, T-Y., Cui, K., Fuller, M.T., Zhao, K. and Chen, X.* (2012) A novel human polycomb binding site acts as a functional polycomb response element in Drosophila, PLoS One 7(5):e36365, (* co-corresponding authors).
  21. Gan, Q.*, Chepelev, I.*, Wei, G., Tarayrah, L., Cui, K., Zhao, K. and Chen, X. (2010) Dynamic regulation of alternative splicing and chromatin structure in Drosophila gonads revealed by RNA-seq. Cell Research 20(7): 763-783 (*co-first authors).
  22. Gan, Q., Schones, D.E., Eun, S., Wei, G., Cui, K., Zhao, K. and Chen, X. (2010) Monovalent and unpoised status of most genes in undifferentiated cell-enriched Drosophila testis. Genome Biology 11(4): R42.
  1. Vidaurre, V. and Chen, X. (2021) Epigenetic regulation in Drosophila female and male germline, Developmental Biology, 473:105-118. PMCID: PMC7992187.
  2. Zion, E.* and Chen, X.* (2021) Asymmetric Epigenetic Inheritance, The Biochemist, 43 (1): 14–19. (* co-corresponding authors), PMCID: PMC8330550.
  3. Zion, E.*, Chandrasekhara, C.* and Chen, X. (2020) Asymmetric inheritance of epigenetic states in asymmetrically dividing stem cells, Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 67: 27-36, PMCID: PMC7736099
  4. Urban, J.*, Ranjan, R.* and Chen, X. (2022) Asymmetric Inheritance of Histones/Chromatin, Annual Review of Genetics, Volume 56, in press, https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-genet-072920-125226. (* equal contribution)
  5. Ranjan, R. * and Chen, X.* (2021) Mitotic drive in asymmetric epigenetic inheritance, Biochemical Society Transactions, Portland Press, in press. (* equal contribution as co-corresponding authors (* equal contribution)
  6. Urban, J. and Chen, X. (2020) Stem cells and their niches in Drosophila, eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. doi: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0021854.pub2.
  7. Wooten, M.*, Ranjan, R.* and Chen, X. (2020) Asymmetric histone distribution in stem cells. Trends in Genetics 36(1): 30-43. (* equal contribution)
  8. Kahney, E.*, Snedeker, J.* and Chen, X. (2019) Regulation of Drosophila germline stem cells. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 60:27-35.
  9. Kahney, E.*, Ranjan, R.*, Gleason, R.J. * and Chen, X. (2018) Symmetry from Asymmetry or Asymmetry from Symmetry? Cold Spring Harbor Symposium Chromosome Segregation and Structure, 82:305-318. (* equal contribution)
  10. Gleason, R.J.*, Anand, A.*, Kai T.# and Chen, X.# (2018) Protecting and diversifying the germline, invited review to Genetics FlyBook, 208 (2): 435-471. (* equal contribution; # co-corresponding authors).
  11. Snedeker, J.*,#, Wooten, M.*,# and Chen, X.# (2017) The inherent asymmetry of DNA replication, Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, 33:291-318, (* equal contribution; # co-corresponding authors).
  12. Xie, J.*, Wooten, M.*, Tran, V. and Chen, X. (2017) Breaking symmetry-asymmetry histone inheritance in stem cells, Trends in Cell Biology, 27:527-540 (* equal contribution).
  13. Feng, L.J. and Chen, X. (2015) Epigenetic Regulation of Germ Cells – Remember or Forget? Current Opinion in Genes and Development, 31:20-27.
  14. Tarayrah, L.# and Chen, X.# (2013) Epigenetic regulation in adult stem cells and cancers. Cell and Bioscience, 3:41 (# co-corresponding authors).
  15. Tran,V.*, Feng, L.J.* and Chen, X. (2013) Asymmetric distribution of histones during Drosophila male germline stem cell asymmetric divisions. Chromosome Research 21(3):255-269 (* co-first authors).
  16. Chepelev, I. and Chen, X. (2013) Alternative splicing switching in stem cell lineages. Frontiers in Biology 8(1):50-59.
  17. Lim, C.*, Tarayrah, L.* and Chen, X. (2012) Transcriptional regulation during Drosophila spermatogenesis. Spermatogenesis 2:3, 1-9 (* co-first authors).
  18. Eun, S.*, Gan, Q.*, and Chen, X. (2010) Epigenetic regulation of germ cell differentiation. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 22: 737-743 (*co-first authors).
  19. Chen, X. (2008) Stem cells- what can we learn from flies? Invited review for Fly. FLY 2-1: 19- 28.

  1. Chen, X., Hiller, M., Sancak, Y. and Fuller, M. T. (2005) Tissue specific TAFs counteract Polycomb to turn on terminal differentiation. Science 310: 869- 872.
    Reviewed by Ringrose, L. in BioEssays (2006) 28:330-334; and featured in Faculty of 1000 Biology.
  2. Hiller, M., Chen, X., Pringle, M.J., Suchorolski, M., Sancak, Y., Viswanathan, S., Bolival, B., Marino, S. and Fuller, M.T. (2004) Testis-specific TAF homologs collaborate to control a tissue-specific transcription program. Development 131: 5297-5308.
  3. Chen, X., Zhang, B. and Fischer, J. A. (2002) A specific protein substrate for deubiquitinating enzyme: Liquid facets is the substrate of Fat facets. Genes and Development 16: 289-294. One of the cover stories.
  4. Chen, X. and Fischer, J. A. (2000) In vivo structure/function analysis of the Drosophila fat facets deubiquitinating enzyme gene. Genetics 156: 1829-1836
  5. Chen, X.*, Li, Q.* and Fischer, J. A. (2000) Genetic analysis of the Drosophila DNAprim gene: The function of the 60-kD primase subunit of DNA polymerase opposes the fat facets signaling pathway in the developing eye. Genetics 156: 787-1795. (* indicating authors of equal contribution.)